Focus on building your business whilst we focus on protecting it
Business Insurance
The policy provides cover for all the company’s physical or tangible property within Zimbabwe and other movable assets such as plant and equipment, physical stocks and office equipment. The policy is designed to cover your properties against loss or damage caused by any accident or misfortune unless specifically excluded in the Policy document.
Business Insurance Coverage Solutions:

You can insure your business against damage to property (buildings, plant and machinery, and stock, etc.) by fire, lightning and explosion, as well as allied perils (such as an earthquake, storm, wind, water, hail and snow, and impact by an aircraft or vehicle).

Buildings (Combined)
If your business owns buildings, you can insure them against damage by fire, lightning and explosion, as well as allied perils (such as an earthquake, storm, wind, water, hail and snow, and impact by an aircraft or vehicle). This cover can also be extended to cover losses caused by theft of internal fixtures and fittings after forcible and violent entry. It also covers legal liability to third parties arising from the ownership of the property.

Business Interruption
In the event of damage to the property caused by certain prescribed insured events, you, as the business owner, may not be able to generate income at the same level as prior to the loss. We can provide cover for the proportionate loss of net profit and fixed costs that prevent, reduce or interrupt trade or business at the insured premises.

This covers loss of or damage to contents as a result of theft following a forcible and violent entry into a building on your premises

Office Contents
This covers the loss of or damage to office contents (excluding electronic data-processing equipment) by fire, lightning and explosion, as well as allied perils (such as an earthquake, storm, wind, water, hail and snow, and impact by an aircraft or vehicle). It can be extended to cover theft by forcible and violent entry, loss of documents, and legal liability to third parties arising from the loss of such documents.

The accidental breakage of glass in windows or doors is inconvenient and leaves your business property exposed. You therefore need to ensure you are covered against this risk. Our solution includes cover for external and internal glass, as well as building signage.